Trip Planning


From first thoughts to making the booking. Click here for the key steps and ideas for you to follow.


Once the booking has been confirmed we can work together to plan and prepare for the actual adventure.

Post Trip

We will review the trip and your experiences to ensure that the Red Kite Adventures continues to improve. The student's reflections will hopefully lead to their own commitment to act.

During the trip

These are the steps that we will follow to ensure the trip is evrything that you hoped for and more.

  • If you are thinking of organising an adventure for your students/organisation, then please reach out to discuss the possible options. You are welcome to contact us via the inquiry form online, drop us an email or just pick up the phone and give us a call.

  • We will be able to discuss the destinations and projects we have on offer and be able to answer any initial questions.

  • Once an initial decision is made we will send you a quotation to be reviewed. There will still be opportunities to make changes beyond this point.

The Pre Booking Stage

Get In Touch

Sign Up

  • Once the trip plan is agreed we can then reserve availability for your preferred dates and numbers, while you can begin your recruitment process. We can send you some information to help promote the trip to students and parents.

  • Once you collect the deposits and are sure of your numbers we can then draw up the booking confirmation form.


  • Now it's time to complete the booking confirmation form and transfer the deposit payments. See the Booking Terms & Conditions for specific details.

  • At this point, we will ensure the flights, accommodation, etc. are reserved.

  • Together we will then begin the pre-trip preparation for the adventure described in the next section.




  • Once the booking is confirmed we will then work together on the required administration. This will include passport details, visa requirements, and health requirements

  • We will help you to prepare your risk assessments and make sure the trip is prepared in a way that mitigates against risk as well as making sure any emergency plans are in place.

  • During this time we will also work with you to make any final changes to the itinerary and ensure the fine details of the itinerary are put in order.

The Pre Trip Preparation Stage

Group Plan

Learning Plan

  • You may want to consider a pre-trip learning plan so that students are able to get the most out of their trip. Along with the project providers, we can help share some key learning possibilities and resources.

  • When finalising the itinerary you have the opportunity to consider how the project can link to individual subjects such as Biology or Geography or transdisciplinary units you are teaching at your schools.

Service Plan

  • The sustainable development issues and the solutions being put in place by the project providers will be shared with you, to enable you to engage with their work prior to the start of the project.

  • We can provide fund-raising goals from the projects if you wish to support them beyond the trip itself.

  • It is also a great idea to connect with related projects that are in your own communities. If your trip is focusing on reforestation in Indonesia, why not connect with similar work taking place where you live?

Impact Plan

  • To reduce the environmental impact of the travel involved with the trip, your students can commit to their own carbon offsetting action plan.

  • This could include changing some of their own personal behaviours and actions, or taking time to support environmental causes in their own communities. See our Action page for more details.

  • Some schools return to the same projects over many years. This builds collaboration between the two communities and often leads to a long-lasting impact on their work.





During the Trip

This is the time the planning pays off and you and your students get to enjoy the trip. We will keep lines of communication open so that any issues or concerns can be dealt with. The key person will be the project leader who will make sure you get the best out of the adventure in a safe, secure way.

Post Trip

  • At the end of the adventure, we will gather everyone's feedback to ensure that we have met expectations and are able to continuously improve our tours.

  • Schools and students will hopefully stay connected to the projects they worked with and maybe even develop long-term collaboration and support.

  • There will be projects dealing with similar sustainable development issues closer to home that students and schools can also connect.

  • Finally, we hope that the adventure has an impact on the students' own mindset and desire to act in a way that cares for their planet and the people in it. We would love to hear about any such action that takes place beyond their Red Kite Adventure.

brown wooden dock on lake near mountains under blue sky during daytime
brown wooden dock on lake near mountains under blue sky during daytime